The trademark surveillance and anti-piracy system of our firm allows for monitoring and safeguarding the intellectual property rights of our clients’ brands throughout their validity period.

Intellectual property rights hold little value if they are not respected. Marvilla Garcia Valdez’s surveillance system is capable of conducting investigations against the sale of counterfeit products in Peru, identifying distribution networks, locating factories, and confiscating counterfeit products in Peru for destruction.


  • Report to the Peruvian National Police for counterfeiting.
  • Investigations against the sale of counterfeit products on the internet.
  • Investigations against the sale of counterfeit products in Peru as well as against offenders in markets and retail stores.
  • Identification of distribution networks and factory locations.
    Confiscation of counterfeit products in Peru.
  • Destruction of all pirate products.
    Achieve a high fine against the counterfeiter.
  • Closure of the accused establishment.
  • Registration of the counterfeiter in the offender registry.
  • Refund of the money spent by the complainant on filing the complaint.


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